Interactive websites and presentations

Interactive websites and presentations

I have created interactive websites and presentations using animation effects since 2010. I primarily used Adobe Flash Catalyst to create demo versions of navigation design, or user interface (UI). I work with other professional developers to realise the final product.

Adobe Flash Player is now discontinued and not supported (since January 2021). Simultaneously Flash Catalyst was discontinued. New web development languages considered more sophisicated and standardised have contributed to this demise. Moreover, many Flash animations hosted online will need to be recreated in order to be played in browsers. However, those which have been created specifically for permanent installations offline will continue to work until the presentation systems and or networks are changed or upgraded.

Interactive Demo

Created for the Drents Museum (2011) for a touch-screen information system. An example can be viewed here: Drents Museum touchscreen demo – MuseumPlus.

Adobe Flash Player version 10.2.0 or greater is required. Although basically you will not be able to view this demo due to the Flash Player being no longer supported.

Not all functionality has been added in the demo. Follow the first contemporary art icon top left to see how they might all function. Video and other files would be available too.

The final networked product is operated using RFID cards, this means that the visitors preferences will be recorded and remembered for their next visit.

Drents Museum interactive presentation demo screenshot
Drents Museum interactive presentation demo